1. General

NodeRed is a graphical wiring tool to integrate the Internet Of Things.

1.1. Versions

The current implementation version is 0.5.x

1.2. License and Support

trivum provides its NodeRed package free of charge. Within the scope of our support, we try to eliminate possible errors promptly.

The user has no claim to the correct function or a certain range of functions. trivum reserves the right at all times to extend, modify or remove functions between the versions. As far as it is possible for us to keep the package constant, develop it further and correct any errors. This is done without any obligation. If you use the NodeRed package from trivum, you agree with this procedure.

2. NodeRed package installation

  • search the node palette manager for trivum

  • alternatively, you may use
    npm install node-red-contrib-trivum

3. trivum music server setup

V9: in the Setup, select Automation / Add / NodeRed.
V10: in the Setup, enable Features / NodeRed.

The trivum NodeRed configuration comprises:

  • "server IP address"
    Enter here the IP address of your NodeRed server.

  • action mappings
    Create self-defined trivum event id’s to send into the NodeRed system.

4. NodeRed flow creation

4.1. trivum control object

allows to control a trivum music server by messages from within the NodeRed system.

4.2. trivum status object

provides a zone status, either as JSON string, or an object. the most important fields are:


text is encoded using underscores, so "01_20Codec_20Test" actually means "01 Codec Test".

a function node could extract the current display line 1 in decoded form like this:

var text = msg.payload.rows.keypad[0].display[0].line1;
text = ""+text;
var result = "";
var t = text.split("");
var i = 0, val = 0;
for (i=0; i<text.length; i++) {
   if (t[i] == '_' && i<text.length-2) {
      var num = t[i+1] + t[i+2];
      val = parseInt(num,16);
      i += 2;
   } else {
      val = text.charCodeAt(i);
   result += String.fromCharCode(val);
msg.payload = result;
return msg;

4.3. trivum event object

sends a user defined event from a trivum music server into the NodeRed automation system.

at the trivum music server, go into

V9: automation / nodered +
V10: 3rd party / nodered

and enter the NodeRed server address where you installed the trivum nodes. then go into

V9: automation / nodered / actions / create a trivum event +
V10: 3rd party / nodered / actions / create a trivum event

and give the new event a short id like lighton. then define an action, for example under

V9: Configuration / zones / zone / actions / send lighton
V10: Customize / zones / zone / actions / send lighton

which will then appear in control units for the selected zones. pressing that action button will then send event 'lighton' into the nodered system.

4.4. technical background informations

4.4.1. trivum control

This object maps commands like "off" to HTTP API calls like


and sends that to the configured trivum music server IP on port 80.

4.4.2. trivum status

This object sends a trivum HTTP API getChanges request like


to the configured trivum music server on port 80, and internally retrieves an xml status reply like

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

which is converted either to JSON or a JavaScript object. So for example


is made accessible in the JavaScript object as


4.4.3. trivum event

This object listens for incoming UDP messages like


and either passes this on as a string (default), or converts it to a JavaScript object. The event id is accessible in the JavaScript object as msg.payload.event

For example, you may add a switch object, and within that you listen on property msg.payload.event, and add several == cases to check for the event id. If nothing happens check the event object properties and make sure that Output type object is selected.

5. trivum Support

For questions, you can use our support area at http://service.trivum.com.

If you have a problem / error then you can use our ticket system: Create a support ticket